Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Christmas Wish...

At the end of the evening on Christmas night, my Mom was holding Colin. She was staring at him and then turned to me and said: "Last year he was just a wish."

You helped make our wishes come true :)

Christmas Day

We had a wonderful Christmas! The highlights included Eily receiving her very own American Girl doll from Santa & Colin getting a brand new exersaucer....fully equipped with wheels that enables him to move around! They both were very happy on Christmas morning. Eily asked every Santa we saw for her Rebecca doll. Colin sat in his exersaucer content for 45 minutes while watching Eily open BOTH of their presents. It is a riot watching this little person walk :) He mainly enjoys the mobility so he can catch the dog!

We hope you guys all had a great day as well!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

My Two Most Favorite People...

4 month Doctor Visit & Solid Foods :)

On Thursday Mr. Colin had his 4 month check-up. He weighed in at a whopping 18.3 lbs (99th percentile) & 26 inches long (75th percentile). Our pediatrician was VERY impressed! He passed all of the tests with flying colors (grabbing, tracking lights, etc...) He is a very big, healthy guy!

He has increased his formula intake to 48 oz. per day, which is way more than he should be drinking. As a result, the poor guy has been constipated...ouch! So, our pediatrician wants us to start solid food fast.

We started with Oatmeal, thinking it would be easier on his tummy. Eily put the spoon towards his mouth, and just as I expected, Colin grabbed it from her hand and shoved it into his mouth! He immediately started to cry & spit out the food. We tried rice cereal the following day and then did not go any better. We will move on to carrots this afternoon- we are hoping for success!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Holiday Festivities

We spent the afternoon at the Lemont Hometown Holiday Festival. It was cold, but we had a great time. Colin had his first experience with Santa & did great! He didn't seem to mind being held by such a scary looking guy :) Eily was very excited to hear that Santa had been watching & thought she was a good girl. She told him she was trying to "work on her bossiness." We all got a kick out of that.

P.S. Can you even handle his "Hugh Hefner" robe?