Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas

We had such a fun Christmas! Christmas Eve was spent at our house with Erics' side and we went to my Mom & Dads for Christmas Day. I can promise that there is not a toy in the world that these two kids don't have! The house is packed with new toys. Eily's favorite is her new Barbie castle and Colins is for sure his ball pit. We hope you had a nice relaxing Christmas as well!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

After School Snack....

Happy Halloween

What a weekend! Friday started off the festivities with Eily's school parties and fall fest. Saturday we went to the "Halloween Hoedown" in downtown Lemont, followed by a family get together and a sleepover with Eily's friend Jack. Today we trick or treated until a combination of our feet giving out and sugar melt downs left and right. I haven't been this tired since Disneyworld! Now off to hide the candy.....

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Thank You for the Fun!

Thank you for all of the fun today! The kids had a great time- I did as well :) We always look forward to your visits!

More Fall Fun!


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Some new pics...

"Happy Birthday, Dada!"

You know Eily had lots of plans for "Dada's" birthday!

Pin the tail on the donkey- Dada even got to go first!

All of the festivities were right after dinner at the All Aboard Diner (Eily tried to pass that off as Eric's favorite resturant!)

Cake (baked by Eily) and Happy Birthday

Complete with a Star Wars theme! A perfect celebration!!

Growing Up:(

This was NEVER supposed to happen! This little girl promised me
she was going to stay little....

I wish I could take back all of those moments I wished her time away...

Like when I said..."I can't wait until she starts talking"...(although she has never stopped!)

Or when I said, "It will be easier when..."

I wish I could bottle up all of that time...and visit it every so often.

Because I don't like how this feels- It just isn't fair!

Although, one little guy seems to like it just we pulled away, I turned to the back seat and captured this "Mommy, I have you ALL to myself, smirk"!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday, Colin Sean!

We can not thank you enough for sharing these last few days with us! We all had lots to celebrate :) Here are a few of my favorite pictures.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bathtime in the Sink!


Blueberry Picking

We went with the cousins blueberry picking last weekend- I think the kids spent much more time eating than picking! As you can see from the picture- Colin was NOT happy when he was cut off :)

Colin the Golfer

To just add to his many athletic talents- Colin took a real liking to the golf course this weekend. I think it had something to do with the wide open space! Our friends live on the course and after the sun started to go down, Colin decided it was time to explore :) He loved every minute of it!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

First Haircut!

Today Colin got his very first haircut! As expected- he sat perfectly still and kept the stylist very entertained.
He looks so much older to me now that he has a "big boy cut".
So adorable!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Keepin' Cool

Window Kisses

As Colin likes to say...."MMMMMUUUUUAAAAHHHHH!" Hope you enjoyed your getaway- you deserve it!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Some cute pics...

Just a few cute pics to start off your week :) Nothing is new here other than we have been spending lots of time at the pool. The kids are loving the water! Eily is swimming like a fish and Colin spends his time roaming back and forth from the water to others family picnic lunches! He will become friends with anyone for some food!! Hope you are well- lets get together soon- maybe after the 4th?