Sunday, February 28, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Lazy Winter Weekends

It is so COLD outside...we've resorted to making our own fun indoors! We made a pretend ice skating rink in the kitchen, a steam engine train in the living room, and have baked more cupcakes & cookies than we know what to do with. Where are you Spring?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

6 month Well Visit...

We took Colin for his 6 month check up yesterday. It went great! He weighed in at 22 lbs. (95th percentile) and was 28 in. long (95th percentile). Just as we expected~ an all around BIG guy :)

Our pediatrician could not say enough about how ahead of all of his milestones he was. As soon as she walked in the room Colin was smiling, grabbing for her and doing lots of talking with a combination of rasberries.

She wants him to continue trying table food. She suspects that he may skip pureed food all together and dive right in to solids! So that is our next adventure.

Eily gets terrible anxiety when he gets his shots. She was so happy (jumping up & down & screaming with delight) when he didn't even shed a single tear when he got his shot! I have to admit, I was relieved too :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Visit :)

We LOVED visiting with you yesterday! It felt so great to catch up~ it is something we will ALWAYS look forward to!

Thank you again for the sweet gifts! The kids look adorable in them & we will be making cookies on Friday.

How lucky we are!

Monday, February 1, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things...

My new (and some not so new) favorite things:

1. Looking at myself in the mirror (can you blame me?)

2. Morning cartoons in Mommy & Daddy's bed!

3. Belly laughing over and over...

and over again--I love my crazy sister!