Sunday, August 28, 2011

Boys and Trains

I may never understand their fascination for all things trains- but they certainly have a great time.....

watching for trains...

studying trains....

climbing on trains...

peeking in trains...

whistling like trains....

waving to trains...

riding on trains...



and searching for more trains...

and screaming for trains....

it's "their" thing.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This Gift

On Mother's Day this year I thought-a lot. I thought about my babies- each and every one of them. I thought about how each of them has changed my life and have changed it for the better. I thought about how if it were not for each of them existing- even for a very short time- then others would not have touched my life and made tiny footprints on my heart. I thought about the pain of the loss and every step of the bumpy road that has led me to this very instant. Then- I mostly thought of you.

I thought about how I'm not sure if I have told you thank you enough. If I have shared with you that if it were not for you- for the kind of mother you have been to Sheila, I would not have the life I do. You gave me my life back- you certainly did. Your strength, your courage, your guidance has allowed us to receive God's greatest miracle- our Colin Sean. Thank you will never be enough. There will never be words to sum up our gratitude. My hope is that you feel it- that you somehow can feel a small measure of what we feel each minute we spend with Colin. There is not an hour that goes by in a day that I do not marvel at every inch of him. I say small prayers of thanks to God for bringing us all together and for listening to my pleas. I say prayers of thanks for you- for your selflessness, for your strong bond with both Eily and Colin and for our friendship.

We love you more than you will ever know.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Goodbye Sweet Maddy

We are so deeply sad. Today our sweet Maddy went to heaven. She will forever be swimming in eternal lakes and running like the wind. We will all miss you sweet girl.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Father Daughter Valentine's Dance

Eric & Eily had their first "Father/Daughter Dance" tonight! Don't they look cute?

Blizzard 2011

TWO snow days AND Daddy home two days in a row= best blizzard ever!
(check out Colin's pink boots and pink gloves- my sensitive guy!)

Monday, January 17, 2011

They Crack Me Up!

These two kids have evolved into the funniest two little people I know. They have hysterical moments as individuals- but are sometimes at their best together! Today was exceptionally fun because Eily had the day off (oh how I miss that!). It makes me look forward to having them both home over the summer.

Eily & I were watching tv and Colin was awfully quiet. We went to check on him and this is what we found:
He managed to shove his helium balloon into the toilet...along with a roll of toilet paper. Boy- was he ever PROUD!

Eily spent the afternoon dressing up (as usual). She came out with her newest character: The (very modern) Virgin Mary!