Thursday, April 15, 2010

Busy! Busy! Busy!

It has been a crazy 2 weeks- I am having a hard time getting use to working again! Although I am gone 1 out of 7 takes me 6 days to prepare for my absence :)

Updates: Colin has managed to cut 6 teeth in 3 weeks. 2 teeth came in a matter of hours and resulted in a not so happy guy! I have been trying to get some good pictures- but he is on to me!

Today, Colin had a great day- HIS first day of work! I had some babysitting issues (of course on just my second week) and Colin went to work downtown with daddy :) It was so cute. I dressed him in his cute little work clothes and dropped him off at Eric's office. I'm not sure I have ever seen Eric so proud! He made everyone's day.

We are going to spend every minute we can outside. Colin and Eily are LOVING the park and the zoo. It makes our days so much more fun!! We should go to the zoo together some time in May.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! These beautiful pictures are so just what i needed. Looks like they have both grown up so much in just a few weeks! Love the teeth! They are just the perfect brother and sister! I knew that you were going to be very busy - yes, i totally understand about six days to get ready for one day of work! I never went on vacation when sheila was little, cuz it was just way too much work. I can just imagine how happy Eric was to have him at work - such a proud Daddy! and I bet Colin was a perfect employee! He looks so happy to be just sitting outside in the grass. Yes, everything is much better when we can be outside in warm weather! I would love to go to the zoo or park with you. I am actually on vacation the first week of May - but i think thats when you are going on vaction - but we will definitely plan a time to enjoy the outside in May! Hugs and kisses to everyone! Hang in there Katie! Hope your job is going well.
